

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Naturopathic Medicine Exactly?

The term 'Naturopathic Medicine' refers to a distinct system of health care that utilizes natural methods and substances to support and stimulate the body's inherent self-healing process. As Hippocrates once stated, "The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well". The naturopathic practitioner views the individual as an integral whole. The symptoms of disease (i.e. low energy, headaches, etc.) are seen as warning signals of improper function and unfavorable lifestyle habits. The primary goal is to treat the underlying cause of disease.

What Is a Naturopathic Doctors Education?

Naturopathic doctors are registered health care professionals. Their training consists of at least three years in a science based pre-med program followed by a four-year doctorate degree from an accredited Naturopathic Medical College. Naturopathic doctors are required to complete 2 years of clinical experience and then pass extensive board exams before being granted a license to practice. They are regulated by a provincial and national association and are required to complete continuing education hours yearly to ensure they remain current. They are competent in evaluating standard medical bloodwork and diagnostic tests and although they do not use pharmaceuticals they are trained in how they function and what the side effects are.

What Can I Expect in the Visit?

The initial assessment consists of an in depth interview process where information such as current and prior health concerns, diet, stress, lifestyle, exercise, past illness, and environmental exposure are all integrated to identify the cause of the current symptoms being presented. Following this the patient will undergo a quick physical exam (without an internal) followed by additional testing to detect underlying causes and imbalances. The patient is the educated as to what is causing the imbalance and what is required to bring them back to a state of health. The patient's understanding and compliance are the most important components in the healing process, therefore, the visits are designed to create an atmosphere of trust and interaction to ensure the patient fully reaches their optimum potential.

Why Would You Choose a Naturopathic Doctor?

People are sick and tired of being 'sick and tired'. They are becoming increasingly aware that although drugs and surgery are valuable tools, they are not always the answer. Many individuals do not feel well and yet after seeing their medical doctors, are told that the physical exams and blood tests indicate they are in perfect health. A naturopathic doctor sees an individual's symptoms as the body's way of expressing imbalances. The overall goal is to remove the cause of the illness, and thus not only alleviate the symptoms, but address why those symptoms arose initially. In supporting rather than over-riding the body's natural mechanisms, often the body will return to a healthy state if given the opportunity.

Does Alberta Health Care Cover the Visit?

No, AHC does not cover Naturopathic Doctors however, most extended insurance plans will cover the visit if the Naturopathic Doctor is a registered member of the Alberta Association of Naturopathic Practitioners (AANP) which both Dr. Drobot and Dr. Manning are registered members. At the completion of the visit a receipt with the name and registration number of the doctor along with the clinic information will be provided to the patient which can be sent in to extended insurance for visit reimbursement.

What Are Your Fees?

Initial Visit: $195.00
This is usually a one hour visit in which testing and other diagnostic procedures are employed to determine the fastest and most efficient methods of attaining your goals.

Follow up Visit: $125.00
Typically a 30 minute follow-up visit to evaluate the success of the program to date and the changes that should be made for the future. The first follow-up visit is usually one month after the initial visit and subsequent follow up visits are in three to six months depending on the condition.

Specialized Testing
Our clinic offers a variety of specialized testing, which are not included in the price of a regular naturopathic visit. For the fee structure for our specialized testing services, please visit their individual service pages.

Specialized Urinalysis
Food Sensitivity / Allergy Testing & Nutritional Counselling
Salivary Hormone Testing
› Hair Analysis