
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturopathic Treatments

Treatments & Natural Remedies for IBS

Finding natural remedies for IBS can be a challenge. With IBS on the rise, the demand for solutions is greater than ever. Integrative Health Clinic can help you find solutions and natural treatments for IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a digestive condition that is characterized by bloating, constipation, diarrhea, cramping and abdominal pain. Those with these digestive issues know that you become a slave to your body as you wonder when your next bowel movement will be, where the nearest washroom is or whether you'll fit into your pants by the end of the day. Finding natural remedies for IBS flare ups that actually work is few and far between. It has become an issue in today’s society thanks to antibacterial use, increased stress levels, high sugar diets and family history. Natural treatments for IBS from a Naturopathic Doctor can assist with preventing or managing these digestive issues.

What Causes IBS

Unlike Inflammatory Bowel Disease (a condition that is characterized by inflammation within the digestive lining), irritable bowel syndrome causes a significant amount of discomfort and pain without actually causing damage to the digestive system. One of the most common conditions affecting our society today, the symptoms of IBS are often caused by imbalances in the digestive bacterial flora. By adjusting the foods that go into your digestive system, exploring natural options like herbal remedies for IBS, you can find options for natural remedies for an IBS flare up.

Find Natural Treatments for IBS

While there are no medical or natural cures for IBS, natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome can include simple changes in diet combined with supplement protocols. By better understanding your gut health and the effects of your diet, you can find natural remedies for IBS that result in dramatic improvements to digestive symptoms, letting you focus on the rest of your life. Let us help you get rid of your pain-in-the-butt digestive symptoms. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Chantelle Drobot to discuss the best options for treatments or natural cures for IBS. Please call us at 403-287-9201 to learn more about natural remedies for irritable bowel syndrome in Calgary.